Memorial action near KGB HQ in Minsk - in pictures

Фотарэпартаж з акцыі каля прыступак КДБ

A memorial action to commemorate the victims of Stalin's repressions took place in front of the KGB headquarters in Minsk on October 29. On this day in 1937, over 130 Belarusian intellectuals - writers, poets, scholars, teachers and others - were executed by Stalin's security forces.

The action was initiated by Zmicier Dashkevich, the leader of the Czech Republic-based public organization Youth Front and former political prisoner. Mikola Statkevich, another ex-political prisoner, also participanted in the action.

The participants put candles on the steps of KGB HQ and stood as a human chain holding the portraits of the executed Belarusian intellectuals. The action lasted for about 30 minutes.

Four people - Zmicier Dashkevich, Natallia Basalyha-Haracka, Zmicier Palcheuski and Uladzimir Yaromenka - were detained right after the action.