Lyabedzka: Officials should know about ways to exercise influence on them

A meeting of the EU Ministers has taken place in Luxemburg this Monday. “The black list” of Belarusian officials was expanded there. Euroradio has asked the leader of the United Civil Party, Anatol Lyabedzka, to comment on it.

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Lyabedzka: "If officials violate the Constitution, it is necessary to find a way to exercise influence on them. There must be some responsibility. If the country’s legislation does not provide it, foreign instruments should be used…
Every official should think that he or she may be added on the list together with their relatives. Our officials are relatively rich and they love spending their weekends abroad”.

Anatol Lyabedzka thinks that the new sanctions imposed on the official Minsk are the reaction to the repressions that continue in Belarus. “The European Union will have to impose targeted economic sanctions if there is no progress”, - noted the politician.

Lyabedzka has reminded that a number of opposition political structures sent requests to EU Ministers and leaders before the meeting in Luxemburg. “The strategy of these steps is discussed there, - says Lyabedzka. – There were two documents attached to the appeal: one of them was the list of political prisoners were the formula “11+3” was used and the main changes of the Election Code. Every Minister had to have it on the table”.

He has expressed a hope that “the strategy of three steps” will be discussed and approved by all the EU Foreign Ministers.

Lyabedzka: "Let’s be optimistic and do it step by step: political prisoners, free elections and financial and economic assistance to Belarus… If we discuss only political prisoners and free elections, some citizens may say that we are trying to watch over our interests. That is why it is necessary to demonstrate prospects to people. The strategy is clear and understandable; it is a sequence of steps. Every step is a message to certain segments of the Belarusian society”.