
Photo: pixabay.com
Photo: pixabay.com
Amendments to the Law on Mass Media and ‘the BelTA’ case testify to it.
Belarus' Central Election Commission chairperson Lidziya Yarmoshyna. Photo: Euroradio
Belarus' Central Election Commission chairperson Lidziya Yarmoshyna. Photo: Euroradio
Euroradio has interviewed Central Election Commission chair Lidziya Yramoshyna on possible changes in the electoral laws.
Belarusian Interior Minister Ihar Shunevch. Euroradio image.
Belarusian Interior Minister Ihar Shunevch. Euroradio image.
The Minister of Internal Affairs comments on the draft decree on identification of Internet users.
The amendments include a possibility to appeal Information Ministry's ruling in court, abolish fines for online news sites.
Photo: Euroradio file
Photo: Euroradio file
Today is the 11th day of the hunger strike.
Photo: BELTA
Photo: BELTA
Only 2 members of parliament voted against the proposed amendments in the media law in the first reading.
Photo: BELTA
Photo: BELTA
The suggestions made by BAJ and MP Hanna Kanapatskaya will be considered by a special commission only after the first reading.
Minister of Information Alyaksandr Karlyukevich. Photo: ctv.by
Minister of Information Alyaksandr Karlyukevich. Photo: ctv.by
The minister says “the amendments simply urge members of the public who cannot live without the Internet to be civilized."
Photo: Zmicier Lukashuk, Euroradio
Photo: Zmicier Lukashuk, Euroradio
The former Constitutional Court head chose to speak Belarusian at a round-table discussion on legislation amendments with MPs.