
Kurapaty defenders and the owner of the restaurant near the mass graves reportedly seek ways out of the impasse.
The Kurapaty defenders today were invited to the Ministry of Culture.
The Liberal Democratic Party deputy chair calls on the authorities to solve the problem of Kurapaty memorial site.
Former Belarus state TV host Stella Chirkova and her husband Ivan Yermakov were in the car that hit two activists in Kurapaty.
Tension builds up between the Kurapaty memorial defenders and the newly opened restaurant.
The Nobel Prize laureate comments on the restaurant opened near the mass graves of repressions victims in Kurapaty.
Activists block a 'back door access' to the restaurant through the Kurapaty protected area.
Alyaksei Turovich is the author of the film Yellow Sand and an active defender of the Kurapaty memorial.
The political activist commented on the standoff on the Kurapaty memorial site in his evening video stream on 7 June.