
A district court in Minsk rules to reject a collective complaint by the defenders of the Kurapaty memorial against Office of Prosecutor General.

The album is meant for German libraries and other scientific institutions.

Judge Navitskaya rules straightaway to sentence activist Leanid Smouzh to 5 days of arrest.

Activist Leanid Smouzh will stand trial in Minsk's Leninski district court for wearing an anti-Lukashenka T-shirt.

The editor-in-chief of Belarus's major state-controlled daily SB/Belarus Today backs the idea of a monument to the victims of political repressions.

The heads of diplomatic missions from the US and EU member states on November 5 visited Kurapaty and Trastsyanets.

Yury Rubtsou from Homel gets three days of arrest over his anti-Lukashenka T-shirt during November 3 manifestation to Kurapaty.

Yury Rubtsou was delivered to Minsk Soviet District Court on Monday morning.

The action in memory of the diseased compatriots was organized by the Belarusian Popular Front's Christian Conservative Party on Sunday.