Ivan Shyla: I will not flee Belarus

Estonia's assembly of schoolchildren has appealed to the country's education and science minister Tynis Lukas, requesting to help Belarusian schoolboy Ivan Shyla, expelled from a high-school in Salihorsk. The Estonian teenagers asked the minister to allow the youngster to finish school in Estonia, if the authorities in Belarus do not change their decision.

The European Radio for Belarus asked Ivan about a possibility of receiving secondary education outside Belarus.

І.Shyla: "Today I received a phone call regarding this proposal to pass my last exam in Estonia. The rest of exam marks can be given to me here in Belarus. It means I will have to pass only one exam. I appreciate this proposal. But I have no intention to leave Belarus only because I can't study here".

He is yet to decide where to continue studies after school. Ivan says he is confident that it will be distance learning, most likely outside Belarus.

Photo: nn.by