Hrodna members of “Malady Front” start actions dated for Day of Will

Actions dated for the 92nd anniversary of state independence of the Belarusian People’s Republic have been started by Hrodna members of “Malady Front”. Inhabitants of the city living in Soviet, October and Horky Streets saw “Pahonya” emblems painted on buildings. Some people were surprised, others reacted in a negative way and still others were thrilled.

According to the head of Hrodna affiliate of “Malady Front, “Pahonya – is not dead history, it is our contemporary life, our national symbol that is always alive”. “Our neighbours – Lithuanians, Poles, - perceive their Independence Days as national state holidays – due to the “official” character they are running into a history book on a shelf. Our March 25 remains a real celebration of freedom and independence repeating every year thanks to flags, marches and clashes”.