Ex-policeman and two KGB members help drug dealers

The Investigation Committee is working on a drug trafficking case.

The group has been delivering and distributing dangerous substances in Minsk for a long time, head of the PR department of the Investigation Committee Syarhei Kabakovich told BelaPAN.

The group was importing the substances from Russia. The fact that they had not been banned in Belarus in time allowed the criminals to avoid criminal responsibility. The police found out that a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and two KGB members were connected with the grouping.

2.5 kilos of very dangerous substances and ammunition were confiscated during searches. The illegal income of the grouping reached over 32 billion roubles.

Ten members of the group are accused of power abuse, drug trafficking and illegal possession of ammunition. All of them have been arrested. They property costing over 2 billion roubles has been seized too.

There are 20 people involved in the case. Investigators are working with them now. The investigation will continue.

Photo: novostey.com