Detention in Belarus

This is employee of the National History Museum Alyaksandr Zimnitski, 25.
Minsk Maskouski District Court sentenced him to 15 days of imprisonment for ‘petty hooliganism’ on Monday.
He has been released after a 15-day arrest.
Pavel Belavus was found guilty of petty hooliganism - allegedly public swearing.
The police witnesses tell court Lahvinets banged his head against a seat inside the police bus to justify his head injuries.
Free Theater actress Yana Rusakevich is in an emergency care hospital following the dispersal of the rally on Freedom Day.
Hundreds of people were detained in Minsk on March 25-26. Some of them were let go. Some, including foreigners, stand trials.
Roman Catholic Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz makes a statement in connection with the events on March 25-26.