Council of Europe and EU urge Minsk to impose moratorium on death penalty

Савет Еўропы і ЕС зноў заклікалі Мінск увесці мараторый на смяротнае пакаранне

The Council of Europe and the European Union regret that the death penalty is still being used in Belarus. They are urging our authorities to reconsider death sentences and impose an official moratorium on their execution ‘as the first step on the way to the abolition of the death penalty’. This is said in the joint statement made by High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini (in the photo) and Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland dated for the World Day Against the Death Penalty marked don October 10.

“The death penalty contradicts the principles of humanism and insults human dignity and well as makes court mistakes fatal and irreversible,” the EU officials claimed.

Belarus is the only European State whether the death penalty still exists.

Photo: АР