Conflict in the Crimea

Head of the Council of Ministers of Autonomous Republic Sergei Aksyonov promises to make Russian and Crimean Tatar official languages at the peninsula

Pictures made at an unusual action have been uploaded to Facebook.

Ukrainian soldiers have been promised Russian wages and other preferences. Russia is going to use force if they refuse.

Bill №461001-6 was introduced in the Russian Duma on February 26. It forbids letting flats in blocks of flats.

Moscow City Council has refused to let the opposition walk along Tverskaya Street on March 15.

Minister Ihor Tsenyuh has made the decision.

It will be signed within the next few days or weeks, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said.

Russia’s representative in the UN Vitali Churkin has announced Russia’s decision.

Artsyom Lyava and Ales Marchanka have been jailed for the yesterday’s action organized near the Russian Embassy.