Conflict in the Crimea

The UN general Assembly voted contra the recognition of the Crimean Independence referendum on March 27.

The Belarusian representative voted contra.

The survey was conducted by Russian Levada-Centre.

The petition author accuses the frontman of Mashina Vremeni of ‘appealing for murders in Ukraine and Russia’.

Russia considers its position to be right and corresponding to the international norms.

The Russian government seeks to create a gambling area with numerous casinos and hotels in Crimea, reports quoting Bloomberg.

President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy has explained the coordinated actions of the EU and USA targeted against Russia.

The U.S. intelligence has warned the White House about the likelihood of Russia’s intervention into continental Ukraine, CNN reports.

Savik Shuster, host of a popular TV show in Kiev talks to Euroradio after interviewing Belarus leader on Crimea, Putin and the future of Ukraine.