
Screenshot from video
Screenshot from video
The support was invented for Lukashenka because he has knee pain, biathlete Alyaksei Aidarau said.
Andrei Bastunets. Photo: Euroradio
Andrei Bastunets. Photo: Euroradio
BAJ's chair Andrei Bastunets plans to meet with the minister too find out what changes will be made to the Law on Mass Media.
Belarus' Supreme Court HQ. Photo:
Belarus' Supreme Court HQ. Photo:
Supreme Court judge Mikalai Babkou was fired for a 'fault incompatible with state service', according to official sources.
Belarus' Interior Minister Ihar Shunevich at a book exposition in Minsk in Macrh 2018, Euroradio image
Belarus' Interior Minister Ihar Shunevich at a book exposition in Minsk in Macrh 2018, Euroradio image
Interior minister says authorities and organizers need to find common language and mark Freedom Day on 25 Mar in a civilized way.
Blogger Aliaksandr Kabanau. Image:
Blogger Aliaksandr Kabanau. Image:
Brest blogger Aliaksandr Kabanau is ordered to pay BYN 1225 ($620) for organizing an unauthorized rally.
Over 100 people gathered in Brest's Lenin Square for an unauthorized protest against a battery plant.
The badge proving that V. was a member of an election committee.
The badge proving that V. was a member of an election committee.
V. was a member of the election committee in Habrauskaya constituency No41 when she uploaded these photos to Instagram.
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The winner at the 'student village' polling station received 854 votes during early voting vs only 7 on Election Day.
Zapad 2017 military exercise in Belarus. Image:
Zapad 2017 military exercise in Belarus. Image:
Belarus Army's manpower does not exceed 65000, including nearly 16 000 civilian contractors.