
The member of Mikalaj Statkevich's electoral HQ was named in the December 19 case.

Activists of "BPF Youth" hoisted white-red-white flags in Vorsha, Pruzhany and Kletsk on August 25.

CEC commented upon the Ivatsevichy incident, where the special services representatives were seen burning last election's ballots.

The initiative of Shklou city branch has been approved at the expanded session of the council of Mahileu regional branch, "Narodnaya Gazeta" informs.

About 40 people are taking part in it. They have hoisted a huge white-red-white flag.

It gained a constitutional status on August 25, 1991. Belarus restored its independence.

The team of the Lithuanian TV-channel LTV was going to Hrodna on Wednesday.

Ukraine celebrates the main state holiday today.

This discount got a name - “integration decreasing coefficient”.