
Even if the National Bank legalizes “the shadow ruble exchange rate” and provides the interbank market with foreign currency,

In the lawyer's opinion, BY.net users will have to work on themselves in order not to sink to excessive self-censorship under the influence of limitations.

Let us remind you that Attorney General Ryhor Vasilevich claimed that a number of online mass media had allowed “dancing on corpses” and said that their publications had an insulting and humiliating sense and contained various speculations and insinuations.

A new wave of repressions may be started against the opposition after Lukashnka's statement, the ex-presidential candidate Vital Rymasheuski thinks.

Euroradio has been asking simple and important questions to passers-by near “October” station. Listen to Minskers’ thoughts.

The organizers of the blast in Minsk metro and their accomplices will stand trial according to the same article, thinks the lawyer.

April 11 is the 16th anniversary of the opposition in the Supreme Council. Historian Valyantsin Holubeu has recalled the events for Euroradio.

The famous blogger has been on hunger strike for 13 days already.

"Tell the Truth" leaders, Vital Rymasheuski and Nasta Palazhanka will stand trial upon one case, Nasta Palazhanka has told to Euroradio.