
Screenshot from Euroradio footage.
Screenshot from Euroradio footage.
The Belarusian musicians wanted to do a small gig in a pedastrian street in downtown Minsk to mark Freedom Day.
The project will be funded by the national and regional budgets.
Her song “Like It” scored 69 out of 70 points from the jury and won by a margin in the national selection.
Shot from 'Green Book'
Shot from 'Green Book'
The Belarrusian state-run studio BelarusFilm dubbed the Oscar-winning Green Book in Belarusian within 52 hours.
Lyavon Volski / Euroradio
Lyavon Volski / Euroradio
The musician was not surprised at Lukashenka’s interdiction to mark the 101st anniversary of the BNR in the stadium Dynama.
The Ministry of Culture and Belarus State TV are tasked to set up a Voice or X-Factor-type national musical contest.
2 foreign and 8 Belarusian singers have made it to the final of the Eurovision 2019 national selection.
Mariah Gregory. Screenshot from video
Mariah Gregory. Screenshot from video
113 singers are participating in the audition at the Belarusian State Broadcasting Company to select the Belarus act.
Мariah Gregory and Alyaksandr Lukashenka. Screenshot from the singer’s Eurovision promo
Мariah Gregory and Alyaksandr Lukashenka. Screenshot from the singer’s Eurovision promo
Мariah Gregory lives in the US, loves Belarus and blames her spiritual impulse for willing to win Eurovision for Belarus.