Brest passers-by are afraid of devaluation and journalists

An ERB reporter went out to frosty Brest streets and asked passers-by whether the devaluation would affect them.

A middle-aged man: - Of course it will affect me in a negative way. It has already done. And it will be worse in the future. It can be observed throughout the country.

A Ukrainian builder: - It will be worse for us. Worse for us.

Two men: - Sure it will! It will affect us! Everything will be getting more and more expensive. Bread and cigarettes. And our wages have already been reduced at our enterprise.

ERB reporter: - Where do you work?

The first man pokes the other one: Shut up, shut up!

ERB reporter: - You must work in building trust number 8, right?

The other man: - Yes, number 8. But I will not tell you anything else.

A man: - The devaluation will not affect me at all.

Two women: - It will exercise a negative influence, but you should better show us your journalist certificate.….

Two guys: - The effect will be negative. It has already become worse. It will probably go from bad to worse.

6 other pollees refused to reply. In general, it seems that people are afraid of the devaluation as much as they are afraid of the microphone.