Belarusian army

President Lukashenka describes the Polonez multiple launcher rocket system as "the most important strategic deterrent."
Hundreds or even thousands of Minskers came to watch the rehearsal.
The President has dismissed Ihar Hlod from the position of deputy head of the General Staff.
The military commissariat would not even discuss any deferment before the publications.
Belarus pilots are first in the post-Soviet space or probably the world to land a Su-25 assault aircraft on a highway at night.
Fighter jets will perform night landings on a highway for the first time in history. Live screening at 2000 Belarus time.
Activist Vital Karatysh reckons he got drafted to prevent him from participating in the parliamentary election campaign.
It is the second exercise of the kind.
Crew survives during a Belarus Air Force helicopter MI-24 crash landing in southern Belarus.