Bakiyev in Belarus

The Belarus Office of Prosecutor General confirms that Kyrgyzstan has filed an extradition request for Kurmanbek Bakiyev.

Previously, Belarus refused to extradite these refugees.

Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Kanybek Imanaliyev tells Euroradio whom Bishkek hopes for in Belarus in Bakiyevs' exdradition issue.

Former President of Kazakhstan who found asylum in Belarus was sentenced in Bishkek in absense.

They promise to provide damaging evidence against the current authorities of Kyrgyzstan.

It was sent by a former youth activist who wanted to joke this way.

Paizulabek Rakhmanov was caught by Kyrgyzstan policemen in Kazakhstan.

The refusal was allegedly made back in June, before Bakiyev's photos in the center of Minsk were published.

He was detained back in June in a village near the Kyrgyzstan-Kazakhstan border and he is still in prison.