Zmicier Lukashuk

Judge Lyudmila Hrachova has recovered and returned to work. Us thinks that there is little chance of the verdict of not guilty.

Another judge is unlikely to be appointed.

Sannikau's mother confessed she had expected her son to be released in the court, and Mirzayanau's mother promised to go to the Square with him next time.

More than 700 people have this title in our country.

Praliaskouski and Radzkou tried to ignore the action, but spoke to the journalists nevertheless.

The Minister of Information Aleh Praliaskouski and the first deputy head of the Administration Aliaksandr Radzkou did not react to the action.

A trial against the ex-presidential candidate Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu will take place on the appointed date - May 5.

However, “an agent’s order” is enough to tap your line. It can be done on suspicion of probable unlawful acts.

This is how the officials of the Ministry of Information explained their decision to close the newspapers "Nasha Niva" and "Narodnaya Volya" to Euroradio.