Zmicier Lukashuk

The youth wing of the campaign “Tell the Truth” has expressed solidarity with students from other cities on the International Students’ Day in Minsk.

The accused have been allowed to make their last pleas. Kanavalau has refused to speak.

Diesel oil will cost 5700 and AI-92 – 5150 rouble a litre.

Last year’s best films have been brought to the Israeli Film festival. However, there was not enough time to invite the producers.

Euroradio has found out what changes of the legislation the opposition would like see and how the Central Election Committee reacts to it.

Euroradio has interviewed an employee of the legal firm LAWIN that will defend Uladzimir Peftsiyeu in his dispute with the Council of the EU.

She also works double time and makes printouts for the next lesson for pupils every evening because there are not enough textbooks.

The MP who told Euroradio how the law had been adopted, mixed it up with another law - "On Mass Events", adopted earlier.

MPs authorized the special services to have weapons and to break into private accommodation by a single vote.