Zmicier Lukashuk

Euroradio has found an election committee member who has been counting votes since 1994 - it's only two years less than the CEC chairperson!

Euroradio has studied the list of members of election committees that will work at this year's parliamentary election.

It will happen despite the fact that the CEC has already refused to accept UCP leader Victar Karnyayenka having an advisory vote.

Chairman of the Committee for National Security and Defense of Seimas Arvidas Anushauskas informed this to Euroradio.

It may happen in 10 years on condition that the authorities start realising the "People's Programme" one of these days.

If this is not the first time they get into commissions, and this is nearly every fifth.

People jailed for participation in unauthorized actions, swearing or drinking beer in the street are called criminals and are refused membership in election

The hearing of the complaint lodged by head of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee Aleh Hulak has been postponed until July 20.

The politician got a phone call from the court at 7.58 a.m. - they warned him that the trial started at 11.