Zmicier Lukashuk

All the judges were busy. The "sextremists" who committed a "night attack on Lukashenka" were to stand trial today.

The "sextremists" who committed a "night attack on Lukashenka" will stand trial at 2 p.m. in Kyiv.

Euroradio's correspondent has learnt this in Vicebsk regional court. The court officials provided no more information.

The reason for the refusal was the fact that the list of names of elected co-leaders of the campaign did not contain the number of people.

It has been launched after a press conference in Minsk today.

Journalists and human rights defenders were not admitted to the court hall, as well as Haidukou's relatives, civil activists and diplomats.

A press conference dedicated to the Navapolatsk civil activist will be held in Minsk on Tuesday.

Russian Ambassador to Belarus Alexander Surikov has explained which Belarusian enterprises the Russian business is interested in.

Euroradio talks to Uladzimir Antsipovich, the man in charge of concert permits, about black lists, censorship and politics.