Zmicier Lukashuk

Euroradio picks at least five potential single opposition candidates for Belarus presidency, but only Nyaklyaeu admits he wants to run.

Pundits from Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan discuss what may may disrupt the signing of the Eurasian Economic Union agreement.

Euroradio has asked Ukrainian experts when it was possible to shoot at ‘live shields’ and how to overcome separatists’ mobile groups.

Andrei Shorats has presented changes to the Law on Burials to MPs today, on April 10.

Minister of Health Vasil Zharko has told MPs about it today, on April 10.

Senior deputy head of Belarus' National Bank Taras Nadolnyi says decision on payments under Russia's $2 billion loan will be sorted out by mid-year.

Head of the State Border Committee Leanid Maltsau made a speech in the House of Representatives on Tuesday.

Belarus MPs amend laws to allow national flag carrier Belavia to check if its passengers are on entry-ban list.

The candidates have not complained about the election results either.