Volha Mickievich

Irina Bekeshkina, director of the Ukrainian fund Democratic Initiatives, discusses Ukraine’s future foreign policy prospects.

Ukrainian civil activist Pavel Zybyuk has told Euroradio what has changed in Ukraine since the Orange Revolution 7 years ago.

Wife of ex-presidential candidate Mikalaj Statkevich contemplates on where Yermakova took the information that political prisoners do not want to be released.

The Head of the Belarusian Union of Writers urges to honour the names of our countrymen who became world-famous.

To work in Bangalore is the same as to work in the woods. The political scientist commented upon the People's Assembly's results.

The UCP leader has commented on the today’s meeting of EU Ministers where “the black list” of Belarusian officials has been expanded.

Representative of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee Harry Pahanyayla comments on discharge of Minsiter of Justice on air to Euroradio.

The Kazlovichs family made 11 thousand km on scooters. Traveller Hanna has told about the Russian province and the difficulties of the trip on air to Euroradio.

The political refugee is convinced that the current authorities are not interested in appearance of even controlled opposition in Parliament.