Vital Ruhain

The police prevent the sacked workers from continuing their hunger strike by seizing their passports.

This is done to identify people who may suffer from Ebola.

Unlike other public sector workers and students, hospital staff harvest for free.

The third season of popular Belarusian language courses Mova ci Kava fails to begin over internal row.

Sergei Bury from Kapsch Telematic Services, the operator of e-payments for tolled roads in Belarus, tells Euroradio about the cameras under attack.

The Ministry of Trade seeks to deprive popular e-trade platform of business license after spotting violations of law on the website.

The majority of Belarusians continue to support death penalty but the number of those calling for abolition steadily rises.

First domains in Belarusian cyrillic zone will cost $100 for two years.

The BYnet award was handed over on Thursday during the annual Business Internet conference in Minsk.