Tamara Savich

From Mitsubishi Outlander to Volkswagen Touareg!

It is rarely bought.

Money is usually found afterwards.

Engineers are offered 2.5 million a month at "Integral" - the wage of a cleaner.

"The apartment is sold for $200, but you won't live there!". Euroradio has found the cheapest accommodation.

Lack of real men, working till 8 p.m., no girlfriend – Euroradio finds out other factors that stand in love's way, in Minsk streets.

The EU did not allow shipment of chicken from Belarus once again. Euroradio has found out why.

The pictures made by the Belarusian satellite will be sold to other states to cover its cost.

"You cannot even go to the toilet at work! Can you imagine it?" street cleaners who worked in Russia complain to Euroradio.