Tamara Savich

Euroradio asks passers-by in Minsk's Karl Marx Street what clothes they prefer: Belarus-made or foreign.

The base amount will increase to Br130 thousand on October 1.

Head of the State Customs Committee Alyaksandr Shpileuski says that the $100 fee is introduced to defend the Belarusian economy.

The club administration has refuted the information about dismantling a WWII memorial plaque because it is in visitors’ way.

The National Bank Chairperson comments on introduction of the fee for cross-border shoppers, tells how often she leaves Belarus.

Euroradio asks Deputy Prime Minister Piotr Prakapovich whether elderly top officials in Belarus should be replaced.

Deputy Prime Minister Piotr Prakapovich tells Euroradio the final decision on the proposed $100 exit duty will be in one month.

The incident occurred near the railway station at 3 p.m. on Friday, August 30.

There are about 40 presents in the Modern Statehood Museum.