Pavel Sviardlou

Euroradio offers you an exclusive video of the Free Theatre’s first performance in Minsk after their return to Belarus.

The rule according to which commercial banks could buy currency directly from NBB existed for just a week.

A Belarusian halfback of “Birmingham” Alaksandr Hleb scored a goal in a match with “Blackpool” on January 4! It was the first goal scored by the Belarusian now.

The former head of Nyaklyayeu’s HQ has told Euroradio about his vision of the events that took place on December 19, prison conditions and the moral state.

Tatstsyana Siuchyk and her son had to leave the holy mass to be present during the search (video)

A musician whose name is associated with social protest in Russia expresses his astonishment with regard to the brutal dispersal of the action on December 19

The leader for DDT shares his impressions of the Belarusian election and the square, wishes Nyaklyayeu good health and says which opposition motto he likes best

Pavel Viltouski and Zmitser Hvedaruk have been released from the detention centre in Akrestsina Street. Both guys have given a written undertaking not to leave

A young man is telling how police threw him down and at the moment of his story is knocked out by the police forces that came back to split the crowd.