Pavel Sviardlou

Will people queue near currency exchange offices, will the economy fall? Independent analyst Syarhei Chaly has commented on it for Euroradio.

The organizers took such decision in connection with the tragic death of the Litvintroll base player Aleh Klimchanka.

The tragic accident happened in Homel city culture center, where the festival "Mass Medium" was taking place.

A Euroradio reporter has eaten fillet “Flamingo” in the House of the Government. It was the only remaining second course – everything else had been eaten.

Euroradio has been listening to deputy contenders’ complaints together with Lidziya Yarmoshyna and Mikalai Lazavik for three days and has made a list

The CEC withdrew claims regarding his tax declaration, but confirmed that more than 15% of the checked signatures were invalid.

"I nearly got two heart attacks because of you for the last three nights!" ― jokes the actor to the address of CEC Secretary Mikalaj Lazavik.

62 signatures of both Artur Finkevich and Mikhail Pashkevich were considered invalid.

Kavalkova competes against Chairman of Zavodzki district organization of "Belaya Rus" in Shabany electoral district in Minsk.