Hanna Balakhovich

According to a participant of silent protests, the guards in Zhodzina were stricter than in Akrestsina.

Economist Leanid Zaika has commented on Myasnikovich’s statement about selling Belarusian enterprises to Russia.

Hrodna journalist has told Euroradio about his imprisonment, cell-mates and convoy, and shared his plans for the future (photo report).

According to police reports, the flash mob was organized during the parade and Lukashenka’s speech.

He was considered guilty of petty hooliganism.

Belarusian issue was raised at the meeting of U.S. President Barack Obama and Polish PM Donald Tusk in Warsaw.

Belarusian issue and Andrzej Poczobut's case were discussed during Barack Obama's 2-days visit to Warsaw.

The fake documents are aimed at compromising the families of journalist Andrzei Pachobut and of an employee of the Polish Consulate in Hrodna.

Lenin District Court has decided that the civil activist “violated that law on mass actions”.