Artsiom Martynovich

Syarhei Maskevich has said this at a press-conference in Minsk.

Minsk City Police Department spokesman Alyaksandr Lastouski says police patrols will be reinforced to work longer on Paratrooper Day.

Euroradio asks fashion designer Sasha Varlamau about his first minutes of freedom.

Varlamau has been sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment. However, the time he has already spent in jail has been doubled and taken into account.

Alyaksei Yanusheuski made $106 thousand on computer games. He has an Opel 1999 and wants to become a manager.

The book focuses on a greater academic, personnel and organizational freedom for universities.

The policemen seized the elderly people, who sold vegetables and fruit with no necessary documents, and threw them into the cars.

The blue-and-white pattern, suggested by British company "Instid" as Minsk city brand, reminds the cover of the band's new album "Electric".

The fashion designer hopes for a fair sentence, uses evangelical images and says his strength is running out.