Andrey Yeliseeu

The third resolution adopted by the European Parliament this year condemns the human rights situation in Belarus.

It has been informed that the Summit will take place in Warsaw at the end of September. However, our country is not mentioned among the participants.

A Deputy general public prosecutor Andrej Shved stated that 5 people had been detained upon Minsk terrorist act case.

The Belarusian Foreign Office has criticized the Western states and the OSCE administration today.

The life of Belarusian activists who fled after December 19 is not that simple. The assistance promised by the European Union is not as quick

The conference involved a scandal: some of the present criticized Yaraslau Ramanchuk who was among the invited

Caroline and her manager claim that were not going to turn into a propagandistic instrument, but agreed to this game exclusively upon charity aims.

Activists of the "Movement of the Future" planned to conduct a flash-mob in Minsk subway these days.

First four OSCE observers will arrive in Belarus on March 9 to watch the court trials angainst the accused of mass disturbances.