Ales Piletski

Activists of the civil campaign “Tell the Truth!” organized the action.

It seems that the Ministry is trying to save on central heating this way.

The opposition politicians who were made to get off the train “Minsk-Moscow” yesterday evening will stand trial in Orsha today.

Anatol Lyabedzka, Syarhei Kalyakin and Alyaksandr Atroshchankau were made to get off the train on their way to Moscow in Orsha on Tuesday evening.

The leaders of the steering committee have claimed it at a press conference in Minsk this Monday.

He was accused of swearing in public.

It is taking place near the memorial to victims of April 11, 2011 terrorist act.

The human rights defender has found it out in the migration service today.

The director of the information and educational organization “For auto” thinks that people are no longer ready to protest.