Ales Piletski

Minsk head Mikalaj Ladutska has said that the salaries get lower because of EU sanctions.

It was supposed to take place today in the Palace of Culture of the veterans.

From 1 to 2 thousand people have taken part in the today’s action. More than a dozen people have been detained. There are Russian citizens among them.

When we tried to browse our web-site, this miracle of import-replacing blinked and said goodbye - the battery went off.

They agree to place portraits of Kupala and Kolas instead of Stalin on the buses.

The ONT TV-Channel showed Sannikau's appeal, in which he denied his guilt.

However, he is not forbidden to go abroad. The politician and ex-political prisoner has informed about it at a press conference in Minsk today.

The bag with the dangerous contents could have got into the bus at the territory of Lithuania.

The former political prisoner has given his first interview after the release.