Ales Piletski

Belarusian economists watch the prices for oil with alert while their Russian colleagues are confident in the actions of their Central Bank.

Another festival of ancient culture took place in the city on Dzvina.

Policemen blocked the whole street to do it.

The repaired Hlybokaye Lenin will be accompanied by famous local inhabitants but employees of the District Executive Committee … cannot think of their names!

Journalist Mihas Yanchuk has managed to take a look at the list of travel banned.

Officers of the court arrived and left when they noticed journalists.

The prices for cars for such cortege start from 100 thousand dollars.

The Soviet district court of Minsk has taken such decision on the claim of employee of Mazyr OPP Maryna Tsyblienka.

Military registration and enlistment offices send pacifists to psychiatric examination to find out whether they have mental disorders.