War in Donbass

The expanded list includes the oil and gas sector companies Novotek, Rosneft, Vneshekonombank, and Gasprombank.

The sources claim that the politician is under guard in the transit zone of the Minsk-2 airport now.

Residents of Kyiv brought flowers to the Russian Embassy and lighted candles near the Peoples' Friendship Arch.

The Karlovka filter station of the Donbas Water company stopped working due to the combat actions in the region.

According to eye-witnesses, the pilot managed to catapult.

Russia is set to send troops into Ukraine, says Dzmitry Tymchuk from Ukraine's Center for Military and Political Studies.

The Ukrainian force structures continue the antiterrorist operation in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

19 people were killed today after BM-21 Grad attacks on the Ukrainian positions.

Natallya Krasouskaya informs this in the new video that has been published on July 11.