Anatol Lyabedzka

The other opposition structures do not seem to be going to send representatives to Nemtsov’s funeral.

EU's Deputy Secretary General for the External Action Service, Helga Schmid, is already in Minsk.

He has ordered the Minister of Internal Affairs to deal with the case.

Anatol Lyabedzka is charged with taking part in the in support of the murdered French journalists, which was not authorized.

They came to the French Embassy with the posters JE SUIS CHARLIE.

Pavel Sevyarynets: there is no unity, just a 'triumph of irresponsibility'

Anatol Lyabedzka has suggested supporting Statkevich. Tell the Truth calls it political plagiarism.

On Tuesday, leader of the United Civil Party held a press conference in Minsk.

The leader United Civil Party was not present at today's press conference held by other opposition leaders.