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GUBOPiK operatives together with their commander Mikalai Karpenkau (center) / Euroradio​
GUBOPiK operatives together with their commander Mikalai Karpenkau (center) / Euroradio​
"All employees who do not quit before the end of the investigation will be deemed accomplices."
Belarusian Defense Minister Viktar Khrenin / BELTA​
Belarusian Defense Minister Viktar Khrenin / BELTA​
Lukashenka wants the Ministry of Defense "to eliminate a big gap in patriotic education."
Minsk November 22, 2020 / Euroradio
Minsk November 22, 2020 / Euroradio
The armed people in black just didn't know what to do.
Photo from Euroradio's listeners
Photo from Euroradio's listeners
Thousands attend the funeral of Raman Bandarenka.
Alyaksandra Ramanouskaya​'s golden medal
Alyaksandra Ramanouskaya​'s golden medal
She won it at the 2019 Winter Universiade in Krasnoyarsk. The final price of the lot on the Internet auction is $15000.
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development /​
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development /​
And it does not plan new projects in our country.
Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya / Reuters
Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya / Reuters
Lithuania and Poland also offer the EU to impose sanctions against enterprises supporting the regime.
Five more strikers / @stachkom​
Five more strikers / @stachkom​
On Monday, the strike was announced by 5 more people.
Students at a protest in Minsk / BelaPAN via REUTERS
Students at a protest in Minsk / BelaPAN via REUTERS
Belarus never observed its obligations in the Bologna Process but the events of this autumn have crossed all the lines.
Potato is a secret "weapon" of Belarusians / Illustrative photo, Euroradio files
Potato is a secret "weapon" of Belarusians / Illustrative photo, Euroradio files
The Lithuanian police are investigating the Sunday incident. On that day in Belarus, security forces detained nearly 1300 people.
Medical workers protesting in August 2020 / Euroradio​
Medical workers protesting in August 2020 / Euroradio​
"We no longer have the moral strength to remain in the old format of calls for sanity via video appeals and signature collection."
The Zhadzeyeu family /
The Zhadzeyeu family /
For their birthday, the children drew a poster with the words “I want to live in Belarus without violence”.
The IT company, where the strike took place, fired all workers /​
The IT company, where the strike took place, fired all workers /​
Apart from managers, only a newly hired tester is currently employed with the company.
Sunday March in Minsk on November 8, 2020 / Euroradio
Sunday March in Minsk on November 8, 2020 / Euroradio
On the 92nd day of protests, Minsk was occupied by people in black who detained, beat, dragged peaceful protesters.
Doctors in the regional center during the COVID-19 pandemic / Rodnaya Niva​
Doctors in the regional center during the COVID-19 pandemic / Rodnaya Niva​
The Ministry of Health does not publish regional statistics. But the district newspapers unexpectedly come to the rescue.
Delegation from Africa at the Minsk Tractor Plant /​
Delegation from Africa at the Minsk Tractor Plant /​
The government says this is promising. But in reality, the cooperation is fragile.
Authors of the video address / Screenshot from video​
Authors of the video address / Screenshot from video​
"We cannot be silent!" they said in a video address.
Coronavirus in Belarus /​
Coronavirus in Belarus /​
989 patients have died
Belarusian-Ukrainian border /​
Belarusian-Ukrainian border /​
And that's just in the last two weekends.
Belarusian NPP / Euroradio file​
Belarusian NPP / Euroradio file​
Vilnius has reacted to the inclusion of the first power unit of the Belarusian NPP into the unified energy grid of our country.