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This is how the stained glass window looked in the school in Salihorsk /

This is how the stained glass window looked in the school in Salihorsk / /

In its place is now a double-glazed window.
German soldiers arrive in Lithuania, sample photo / DPA / SCANPIX

German soldiers arrive in Lithuania, sample photo / DPA / SCANPIX / DPA / SCANPIX

They will be serving in Rudninkai training ground and in Rukla
Belarusian politics through the eyes of "Big Brother" / @rubanau_collage

Belarusian politics through the eyes of "Big Brother" / @rubanau_collage / @rubanau_collage

Lukashenka became an honored politician, and the article about the Kalinousky regiment was completely deleted.
Radoslaw Sikorski / Reporter / East News

Radoslaw Sikorski / Reporter / East News / Reporter / East News

The day before, Lukashenka said that he was preparing Belarus for war.
Готовятся ли Сувалки к войне с Россией

Suwalki / Photo by Rosół Mariusz / @rubanau_collage / @rubanau_collage

What is the Suwalki gap, which Russia allegedly has its eye on?
Aliaksey Zhukau /

Aliaksey Zhukau / /

The volume of foreign investment is steadily declining (sample photo) /

The volume of foreign investment is steadily declining (sample photo) / /

Investments fell almost to the level of 2018.
Aryna Sabalenka with Konstantin Koltsov / Instagram sabalenka_aryna

Aryna Sabalenka with Konstantin Koltsov / Instagram sabalenka_aryna / Instagram sabalenka_aryna

She wrote they "were no longer together."
Konstantin Koltsov / KHL

Konstantin Koltsov / KHL / КХЛ

He reportedly jumped from the balcony.
Police are concerned about the thoughts in people's heads (sample photo) /

Police are concerned about the thoughts in people's heads (sample photo) / /

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Henadz Kazakevich recently spoke about it.
Корчма 1863 Вильнюс

"Karchma 1863" in Vilnius / /

Some believe even their names are suspicious.
Smuggled cigarettes in a freight train /

Smuggled cigarettes in a freight train / /

Polish media reported that cigarette smuggling from Belarus to Poland increased by 1000% last year.
Minsk Airport / @MinskNationalAirport

Minsk Airport / @MinskNationalAirport / @MinskNationalAirport

But the situation is improving, airport officials say.
Already this year several IT companies / have announced their departure from Belarus.

Already this year several IT companies / have announced their departure from Belarus. /

The industry's actual losses could be significantly higher.
Зачем швед купил дом в Украине в 50 километрах от фронта? / pixabay

Зачем швед купил дом в Украине в 50 километрах от фронта? / pixabay / @rubanau_collage

Better find out where the minefields are before going for mushrooms.
Elections / @rubanau_collage

Elections / @rubanau_collage / @rubanau_collage

The politician urged Belarusians not to go to the polls.
Belarusians were forced to vote / @rubanau_collage

Belarusians were forced to vote / @rubanau_collage / @rubanau_collage

The carrot and stick method was used
We have looked into the salaries of Belarusians / @rubanau_collage

We have looked into the salaries of Belarusians / @rubanau_collage / @rubanau_collage

Exactly half of Belarusians earn less than 1,499 BYN or 470 USD per month.
A baby, sample photo / Unsplash

A baby, sample photo / Unsplash / Unsplash

In 2023, only about 65 thousand children were born in the country.
We saw many "interesting" things there / @rubanau_collage

We saw many "interesting" things there / @rubanau_collage / @rubanau_collage

New textbook may contain a lot controversial statements