Zmitser Dashkevich

Nasta Palazhanka, deputy head of the Young Front and the political prisoner’s fiancée, has informed about it this morning.

The political prisoner's lawyer tried to visit her client in the Horki colony once again.

Raman Panshyn was released from the detention center in Drybin on August 7. He spent 5 days there.

A mother of Tatsiana Shaputska, arrested at a protest action in Horki, and human rights defender Barys Bukhel describe the atmosphere in Horki and Drybin.

About 30 civil activists are standing near the entrance to the colony in Horki. They demand that Dashkevich's lawyer should be admitted to him.

The political prisoner's fiancee has told Euroradio why she has no hopes their wedding will take place soon.

They have sent the corresponding appeals to the head of the Penalty Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alyaksandr Barsukou.

Nasta Palazhanka who tried to visit her husband-to-be has informed about it today.

The leader of the Young Front imprisoned for political reasons will celebrate his 30th anniversary on July 20.