Zmitser Dashkevich

The Young Front Co-Chairman Zmitsier Dashkevich and his wife Nasta refrain from revealing the gender of their future child.

The head of Mazyr colony Alyaksandr Lapatka was added on the EU black list accidentally, the ex-political prisoner reckons.

Alyaksandr Frantskevich, convicted for in the 'anarchists’ case', was released on Tuesday morning.

The former political prisoner is simply stepping down as the organization head, according to Nasta Dashkevich.

The church wedding of Zmicier and Nasta Dashkevich took place on August 31 under the Protestant ceremony in John the Baptist Church.

Young Front leaders Zmicier and Nasta Dashkevich plan to mark two wedding anniversaries: the church marriage and their civil ceremony in prison.

Dashkevich's ally will stand trial after 2 p.m. today.

It was in Horki penal colony.

The European Commission noted Zmitser Dashkevich's release, awaits for other political prisoners to be set free soon.