Zmitser Dashkevich

The administration of the colony in Horki has given this title to the political prisoner.

Nasta Palazhanka and Zmitser Dashkevich first met in Akrestsina. Now they decided to get prison.

Dzmitry Laeuski was not allowed to see the political prisoner, who is in a punitive isolation ward in Horki colony.

Viachaslau Dashkevich received a reply from the Department on serving punishments.

The "Young FRont" Vice-Chairperson Nasta Palazhanka has informed about this.

Viachaslau Dashkevich and Nasta Palazhanka visited the department for serving punishments in this regard. However, the political prisoner's father got no reply.

The appeal hearing has taken place today, on June 17.

Leader of the "Young Front" (registered in Czech Republic) enlists flaws of the previous trial in his appeal.

The political prisoner used to be in custody in the Valadarski Street detention center until now.