Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu

The writer and leader of the Tell the Truth civil campaign Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu is not allowed to travel abroad to meet his daughters.

The leaders of Popular Front, Movement for Freedom and Tell the Truth have announced they are ready for 'strategic partnership' during electoral campa

Three dozen activists of Tell the Truth! and other organizations have met him on release.

But it may be needed unless the opposition and OSCE make the authorities change the Election Code.

The prize will be awarded for the second time.

It happened after the protest action of December 19, 2010.

The well-known writer has commented on another loss for the Belarusian culture.

A Polish publisher interfered and Nyaklyayeu's speech had to be shortened to 5 minutes.

"Tell the Truth" joined the marathon of creative actions aimed at support of political prisoners.