Special services in Belarus

The case against journalist Aliaksandr Alesin was suspended "due to the inability of the investigation."
34 of them are fighting on one side, 24 - on the other.
Law-enforcement officials point at 'new circumstances' allowing them to release the senator under house arrest.
The group was active for three years, KGB reports.
It happened as early as the end of August. Prosecutor's office has not yet taken a decision on their extradition.
Evgeni Titov and Valeri Kuzminich are accused of fraud.

Wife of the convicted intelligence officer whom he 'drew into the illegal activities' received the same sentence.

The Belarusian double agent supplied false information to Polish counterintelligence for 8 years and was paid for it.

Maxim Finski, the right-hand man of billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov was detained in Minsk, Russian mass media reported yesterday.