Radioactive equipment stored at Hrodna TPP for month

The notification about the radiation detection at Hrodna thermal power station was published at the web-site of the Ministry for Emergency Situations. The Ministry's press-center calms me down, like, nothing tragic happened. 

"It's not the equipment that gives radiation background, it's the fixture elements. Local sources. Preliminarily, those elements were supplied from India, the Indian contractor". 

Nevertheless, they fenced an area of about 10 x 10 meters. All dangerous fixture elements are located there. The radiation background there excess the norm by 50 times. 

It is unknown how many workers worked in the area of ​​high radioactivity and for how long. The Ministry for Emergency Situations claims said that no one has complained of health problems so far.

The question is, how the radioactive equipment could get to Belarus? Relevant services are required to make measurements of radiation at the border. Experts believe that the radioactive fixture elements might get lost in the multi-ton units with normal background due t their small size.

Euroradio has found out that all radioactive fixture elements were revealed. After replacement they are utilized – there is special equipment for this in Belarus.