Lukashenka: Sarkozy took more than 10 million from Gaddafi (online)

Euroradio broadcasts selected quotations in the social networks: VKFBTwitterG+.


"The essence of the Message is in tactics. This is the attempt to look into the future. This is tactics, not a strategy... I decided to speak about the main things. There are some problems in our country which have not been reflected in the Message. The government and the MPs should solve them".


On a person


12:55. "We already have an icon in every house, and probably not one. Each Belarusian should also have a Slutsk sash, to the icon".


12:54. "Get representatives of the business circles involved into the complete equipment of libraries".


12:51. "We graduate too many specialists with higher education, especially this concerns humanitarian professions".


12:49. "There will be no reforms and experiments in the secondary school. We need to smoothen it up and give it programs which the students are capable of learning".


12:48. "Belarus is on the 20th place in the world with regard to the quality of education".


12:48. "Everything we do, we do not for the numbers and indices".


On Belarus in the world


12:45. "Belarus suggests the idea of integration of integrations, creating the united economic space from Lisbon to Vladivostok".

12:44. "Yes, we have different visions of some civil processes. However, we should solve it via dialogue, not via sanctions. The policy of sanctions is not effective as Belarus has no hostility towards the European Union".


On criminal justice


12:36. According to Lukashenka, it is planned to discharge the whole Ministry of Internal Affairs: "We are making the legislation more humane. We should re-consider such restraint as keeping a person in custody. Why should we isolate someone who did nothing to threaten the people's lives and health?"


On the future amnesty, dedicated to July 3: "Decent people suffer in prison while we release the rascals".


On the Internet


12:31. "We should get to more effective work from the ordinary off-shore programming".


12:29. "We saw how they tried to explode Belarus from abroad through the Internet. It worked in the Arab countries but in Belarus, all these revolutions in social networks were a failure. We didn't block anything but we gave our response to this, also using some new technologies". 


On the future parliamentary election


12:20. "Name just one party which exists in Belarus! Half of them are just "dead souls". Who do you represent? Only yourself!"


12:19. "I am not an adherent of the proportion system".


On foreign policy


12:16. After the election-2010 we wanted to continue the dialogue with the West, Alyaksandr Lukashenka says: "After the election-2010 we planned to continue the dialogue with the European Union, to develop the so-called civil society". However, the West and the Belarusian "fifth column" decided it should be the other way round, the Belarusian leader has said. According to him, much time was wasted because of unreasonable western policy.


12:14. "I hope that many people saw that sanctions lead nowhere".


On civil responsibility


12:06. "You see, they [Europe - Euroradio] criticize us. Like there's no democracy here and everything's bad on the whole. There was this conflict with Europe. There was the conflict with the EU states ambassadors. This is painful for me, not only for the EU. However, when they brought the analytical note to me with all these facts I was surprised - none of the European diplomat who left the country wanted to do it". 


12:06. "The ambassadors steered up. Good".


On building of accommodation and farms


12:02. "We need to build in places where we won't mess up the people's rest".


11:59. "The Jews have come, asking for the land near Baravaya [near Minsk - Euroradio]. [To Barys Batura] Say "Hi" to the Jews! I will find inconveniences for them tomorrow where the expenses will be higher... I am really speaking of the Jews in the good meaning of this word". 


11:58. "You can consider that it is practically forbidden in our country to allocate agricultural lands for industrial buildings".


11:54. "Only those who have urgent necessity will be granted accommodation facilities. As for all the rest, as they say, we should give them a fishing-rod, not fish".




11:52. "The prices for food products should get close to the world prices so that it would be unprofitable to take them out of the country".


11:45. "The country should collect 10 million tons of grain. The God has helped us so far. All the decisions have been taken..."


The block dedicated to science and innovations


11:45. "I am strongly dissatisfied with what is happening in the Academy of Sciences".


11:44. Lukashenka calls the BRYU "Komsomol". "I assign the Government to render support to the Komsomol. The program "100 ideas for Belarus" should not become a one-time action".


11:43. "The state structures should give the scientists freedom to earn money".


11:42. "The scientists should understand that they must give something, not just ask".


11:41. "We will not be able to achieve efficiency in the economy without the intellectual component, without innovations. So far, not everything is good in this regard..."


The state leader proceeds to stabilization and efficiency of the economy, export and currency policy


11:40. The National Bank even has to resist to the rapid stabilization of the Belarusian rouble, says the Belarusian state leader: "Each rouble which is in the turnover in the country is covered by the international reserves by 150%".


11:36. "We should not admit sharp rises and falls of the rouble".


11:35. "There should be common principles of price formation in the United Economic Space". This means that prices in Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan should be approximately equal as well.


11:34. "The discount for the power resources is not some charity or subsidy, as some "conscious people" try to present it. This is the basic condition of existence of the United Economic Space".


The next part of the Message is dedicated to micro-economics: prices and salaries


11:33. "We'll see in the end of the year who has the 500 USD salary and who doesn't".


11:27. Alyaksandr Lukashenka says that control of prices will continue in Belarus: 


"We should not admit the growth of consumer prices by more than 20% this year".


He has mentioned Germany as an example - they control the prices for petrol there. "Here is the market as it is!"


In the beginning of the Message Lukashenka speaks about investments, privatization and the amnesty of capitals


11:20. "There won't be nomenclature privatization in Belarus. Never. Even when I am not a President... The government which would let the officials buy out the state property will be replaced for tolerant Belarusians".


11:19. "We are ready to privatize even the "Belarus-Kaliy"... However, this is a question of prices. Its price today is 32 billon dollars, not 30 as it used to be".


11:16. "We know for sure how we must not conduct privatization... There won't be any mass sales".


11:14. "If the topic of amnesty of capitals is a timely one for Belarus we should need to work on it".


11:12. "They want to come to us and to invest money...But the wall of bureaucracy and indifference kills any desire to invest".


11:10. "I would advise the new Vice-PM to go and deal with modernization of the Worsted Integrated Works".


11:08. According to Alyaksandr Lukashenka, our economy did not stop when the growth of prices for oil and gas reached its peak last year. This year, he says, has started very successfully as well: "The incomes of people are growing gradually, the level of unemployment is striving to zero... Even foreign experts admit that we managed to build up a successful economic policy".


11:06. "If you have a project or an idea - look for an investor. Convince him. Create conditions for him. Moreover, the investments should be direct, not hidden".


11:02. Alyaksandr Lukashenka: "The European Union balanced on the edge of wreck for the whole last year".


11:00. The state anthem of Belarus has been played before Lukashenka's speech. It has been seen that no one sang.


Let us remind you, the President's message to the people and the government has been postponed from April 19 till uncertain term. The speech-writers failed - they were too harsh about the relations with Europe and too liberal about the privatization. The state leader sent the text for further elaboration.