News of Minsk and Minsk region

The police were interested in the posters and banners the opposition leader had in his car.
The trial of Kupala Theater actor Artsyom Barodzich is adjourned after his lawyer requests to study the material evidence again.
Artsyom Barodzich is accused of drug trafficking.
The UCP leader has been fined for Br21 million in two days.
The audio operator who has gone on hunger strike makes 7 million roubles a month, the company said.
They gave up work for half an hour work and demanded raise in salaries.
At the beginning of the trial, Anatol Lyabedzka preceisely predicted the fine he would get.
The works of Belarusian and Ukrainian artists are displayed there.
Minskers ‘let alcohol on lease’ and offered to deliver a pizza with free alcohol, when the ban was introduced in 2015.