News of Mahileu and Mahileu region

Babruisk resident is accused of shooting a man who died of gunshot wounds.

The incident occurred not far from Paulau Street on December 11.

A flash-mob action "Mahileu - cultural capital" took place in the Soviet Square on December 8.

The dangerous find was discovered by water supply and sewage workers at about 4 p.m. on November 11 in Bykhau.

Two cars set on fire in Babruisk (photo)

Policemen had to use government-issue weapons to stop a crowd.

Court of Mahileu fined Deputy Head of Free Belarusian Trade Union Yury Novikau for distribution of leaflets against foreign military bases in Belarus.

The state leader is visiting Mahilyou State University and meeting students this Thursday.

The state leader is visiting Mahilyou State University and meeting students today.