President's edict on freeloaders

The activist wanted to attend the today’s protest action in Minsk and is in jail now.
The portal has noticed five such vehicles in the center of the capital city.
Ihar Barysau has been detained and searched at the National Airport Minsk.
Activists in various cities of Belarus stand trials for taking part in the street protests against Decree No 3.
People were fined or jailed for participation in similar protest actions in Orsha, Brest and Homel yesterday.
Paval Sevyarynets is the fourth opposition figure arrested over the protests against 'social parasites' in the past several days.
About a thousand people took part in Orsha Non-freeloaders’ March on Sunday.
Similar trials will be organized in other Belarusian cities.
Farmer and activist Alyaksandr Kabanau was sued in three administrative proceedings at once.